My Vampire System

Chapter 2207 The Amra's Power

The Amra didn\'t seem to have a wide use of technology like that of Earth, or even the other alien races, but that wasn\'t because they never had the technology in the first place. This was mainly due to the set up that the previous leader, the celestial had done.

The celestial had made sure to stop advancements, to slow down the enjoyment that technological devices could bring and the ease of life it would bring to the Amra. At least, slowing it down to the point where these things wouldn\'t be available outside of the tower.

This way, the Amra would only have few dreams, and the main dream of accomplishing what they wanted was by entering the tower. It was all to help with the condition of Athos, the celestial.

Now that he was no longer, the spread of technology had been reaching the people, thanks to Dober mainly. Small long range communication devices could be fitted on the Amra. There wasn\'t time for them to create many of these devices but there wasn\'t a need to, so they were handed over to the important figures and Quinn\'s allies.

Just now, Geo had gotten news that the Marpo Cruise was heading his way. The strongest Amra were left in the capital. The bulk of the forces were standing on the house rooftops, while a dedicated team including Nock was standing by the tower as well.

They didn\'t want to draw too much attention to the tower in case the enemy would attempt to eliminate it.

"The enemy is coming, and we will show them how to fight our way, the way an Amra fights!" Geo screamed at the top of his lungs.

The large ship was approaching and it could be seen through the sky. Seeing how it was only one planet that they needed to deal with, the ship was able to come a lot closer. Moments later, thousands of black pods started to shoot out from the ship heading straight for the city.

"Let\'s do the usual and send in the canon fodder." Jim said. "And test the waters to see how strong these four armed men are."

By canon fodder, they were sending out the weakest of the vampires, but they had been given tier 5 Dalki blood to give them all a boost, hopefully making them somewhat powerful, but the Amra were more than ready.

"Fire!" Geo shouted as he threw four rocks from his hands. They were dense, hard and black in colour and with his mighty strength the rocks thrown from his hand moved faster than any others.

The rocks had perfectly hit one of the Black pods, crushing the outside, exploding it and killing the vampire or vampires that were inside. Three of Geo\'s rocks had hit perfectly. Geo was using the celestial power that had been given to him by Quinn, he was ready to make an impact to tell these attackers that they had made the wrong choice attacking the Amra.

All four of his hands seemed to be covered in a golden light, and as soon as he finished throwing the four rocks, he had picked more up, aiming for the pods coming out of the sky. He wasn\'t the only one though.

On the roof tops, all of the Amra had these large special rocks by their side. They were piled up high. They were readier than Jim could ever imagine.

Not all the rocks could destroy the well made pods though, they were designed to survive energy blasts. Some would take a few hits from the rocks before exploding. Others would be hit but not hard enough to destroy the outer shell.

It was only Geo\'s throws that were strong enough to always destroy the pods if they landed perfectly. Through the barrage of rocks, they had managed to destroy a good fifteen percent of those before they landed.

However, now that some of the pods had landed, and the vampires started to break out of the pods, they could no longer focus on throwing the rocks and needed to focus on those below.

Geo leapt down from the building he was on, and landed in the middle of the street, in front of him were five pods, and coming out of them all, were vampires, in thier beast armour, holding weapons and already drinking these strange flasks that were in their hands.

"These guys are big and slow, we can get them with our speed!" One of the vampires shouted, holding a dagger in his hand. He quickly ran to the side, and then charged in to attack Geo from the side.

With his golden hand, he swung it, hitting the vampire clean in the body and sending him flying into the building, breaking through more than just a couple of walls. It would be a surprise if the vampire was still breathing after a hit like that.

"If your strategy was to beat us with speed, then you are very, very wrong." Geo said.

He, and the others had been made aware that they were going up against vampires, and the one that they all called a hero was a vampire as well, one that was far stronger than any of these.


Inside the Marpo Cruise, similar to how Jack was stressing out just moments ago, it was now Jim\'s turn to feel annoyed at the situation. So much so that there was a large vein sticking out the side of his head.

"These damn barbarians!" Jim Shouted. "They are literally throwing rocks at us. As a way to attack us!"

"Well, it seemed to work better than the energy blasters, and I\'m guessing if you threw a rock like that, it wouldn\'t be so effective, would it?" Ray said, as he was lying down, snacking on some food and watching a programme of sorts, in Jim\'s office of all things.

"Those useless vampires are struggling. If we lose a high number of them, then their families in the settlement won\'t be happy. They won\'t be able to continue to fight, and if that happens you won\'t get what you want either. So are you going to get off your backside and join this fight?" Jim asked.

Ray continued to not react as he continued to shove food into his mouth.

"Please, those weak people are involved? I highly doubt that. When there is someone strong enough that arrives and I\'m needed, then I will help. I would rather not waste my energy." Ray replied. "In the meantime, if you are really struggling, send in your vampire leaders.

"Or you can send in your two other guards, the Wolf Boy and zombie."

Jim took a deep breath, it was true. Just because this wasn\'t going like the past battles, he was a little startled. It was the first problem they had since the Namrik\'s, but there were a number of ways he could deal with the problem even without the help.


For a second, the ship shook, as it was hit by something from the outside. Immediately a report came in and a screen came up.

"What happened?" Jim asked.

"Sir….one of the aliens, they threw a rock at us."

"A rock, and it hit us all the way out here!"

On the screen, they had zoomed in on the attacker, and could see Geo with his glowing arms.

"You better hurry in sending that help." Ray smiled. "He looks like a strong one."


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