I'm Really a Superstar

Chapter 1469 - Zhang Ye’s new cartoon is released!

Chapter 1469 - Zhang Ye\'s new cartoon is released!

Translator: Legge Editor: Legge

One day.

Two days.

In the blink of an eye, half a month had passed.

Japanese animation Murder of Angels was officially released. It was followed closely by Martial King and several other cartoons that also made their debut in China. Even other animated series from Japan received same day releases in China. The days of keeping up with the latest episodes, waiting for the subtitling teams and video sources were over. The Chinese netizens were now able to view the latest official releases of the Japanese animated series in both Chinese and Japanese. If they wanted to watch the animation in Chinese, they could just select the Mandarin audio channel. If they wanted to watch it in its original language, they just had to switch it to the Japanese audio channel.

The industry paid close attention!

The people were in anticipation!

"It\'s here!"

"At last, we don\'t have to wait for the subbing teams to translate them anymore!"

"The dubbing is quite acceptable."

"This is really a full-scale invasion."

"The Chinese market is going to fall."

"They\'re coming in with unstoppable force!"

"The views are exploding!"

"Damn, what a high view count!"

"I knew it. Once the Japanese cartoons came into the Chinese market and officially began their money-grabbing attempts, they would sweep all competition aside. They have too many fans of their works already."

"Didn\'t Lord Zhang call everyone to stand united and boycott them?"

"Pfft, and you believe that his words would have any effect? How are we supposed to boycott the Japanese cartoons?"

"Do you guys really believe that the 3D domestic animation by Zhang Ye could take on those Japanese cartoons? Anyone who jumps into that pit will die!"

The view count kept climbing!

Martial King\'s single episode views reached 20 million!

Murder of Angels was the most popular, gaining 31 million views!

The other Japanese cartoons that came to China also performed great!

This good start gave the Japanese side an assurance and also made those online video hosting sites and partners in China very excited!

Over the next few days.

Murder of Angels and the other series were getting more and more popular!

The Chinese cartoons were being forced back in defeat!

This was a massacre!

An absolute massacre!

During this period, a Chinese animation studio rushed out a production of theirs. It was called The Legend of Youth and was backed by a 20 million RMB investment. In terms of Chinese animation productions, this was a big project. But when the animation was released, the reviews for it were extremely poor. A lot of people were shaking their heads in disapproval. There were also those who really wanted to support the local animations and went to watch it in anticipation, but they were all disappointed!

"The production quality is horrible."

"There\'s nothing new about the plot."

"It\'s just imitating the Japanese cartoons. How boring."

"Hai, it\'s really over for the domestic cartoon industry!"

"With such a level of production, it\'s not even good enough to be shown!"

The Legend of Youth had failed without a doubt!

Its single episode only gained a share of 550,000 views. It wasn\'t even a fraction compared to the Japanese cartoons!

It was terrible!

The Chinese animation field mourned!

Meanwhile, Japanese animation was doing great!

"We\'ve finally taken the Chinese market!"

"For the next 10 years, the Chinese cartoon industry will be ruled by us!"

"Aren\'t you being too conservative by saying 10 years?"

"Right, for the next 20 years, the Chinese cartoon industry wouldn\'t have any chance of making a comeback."

"Hur hur, so where\'s Zhang Ye\'s new animation?"

"Who knows!"

"His animation production started off from nothing, so it will have to be slowly made. Furthermore, it\'s a 3D animation, so the production process will be slightly more troublesome. Without a year or so, how could it be completed? By that time, the Chinese cartoon industry will have turned into a barren land. How could he still have any chance of fighting back against us then?"

The Japanese cartoons were sweeping the competition aside!

The Chinese cartoons\' future was bleak!

And Zhang Ye\'s new production was still a long way off from being released?

But at this moment, Zhang Ye once again proved to the people with his actions what it meant to be the fastest shot in the world. Miracle Animation Studios and Zhang Ye\'s Studio suddenly announced that The Legend of Qin would be officially released on the first of the following month. They vowed to take the fight with the Japanese cartoons to the bitter end!

The industry was in shock!



"Hey, this is way too fast!"

"Are you fucking on steroids?"

"How could you have completed it within a month?"

"The Japanese animations already have completed works that just need a little editing before having the voice actors dub over them. Even that had taken them half a month\'s time to get ready, but you who started from zero has actually completed everything in just one month? And it\'s even a 3D animation? How can it be a production worth watching? Just how shoddy will the animation quality be?"

"The voice acting should be something to look forward to."

"How can it not be? There\'s a Heavenly Queen in the cast!"

"But why am I so anxious about the content of this animation?"

"This fellow is such a fast worker!"

The Japanese side was laughing. They did not believe that the animation that Zhang Ye used a month to complete could cause much of a stir. They thought that Zhang Ye had forced it out in order to have something to fight them with.

3D animation?

With native elements?

Rushed out in one month?

Every point was suggesting it to be a failure!

There didn\'t seem to be a future for this animation no matter how you looked at it!

Japan, Korea, the industry, the people, and even the media were all left with a big question mark over their heads regarding this new animation by Zhang Ye!

Miracle Animation Studios.

Everyone was gathered here.

Sun Xiaobei was very excited. "We\'ve finally arrived at this moment!"

Chen Xiang\'s heart was pounding. He had just finished watching five episodes of the cartoon that had been produced. "It\'s hard to imagine it, but this animation is really unprecedented!"

Zhang Ye smiled. "It\'s our time to make an appearance. We can\'t keep letting them have all the limelight, after all."

Hu Kebang anxiously asked, "Director Zhang, is this cartoon really going to work?"

Zhang Ye said, "As long as our production can keep up with the series release, it won\'t be a problem. The animation might not be completed, but we can\'t wait anymore. We have to release it immediately!"

Han Bin said, "At the moment, the hottest cartoon from Japan is Murder of Angels. Its single episode views have already reached an astonishing 30-plus million views, and the total series views have broken 100 million. So if we\'re going to declare war, should we target Murder of Angels? Shouldn\'t we aim to beat it?"

Aim to beat it?

Aim to beat it for what!

What\'s the use of aiming to beat it!

Zhang Ye waved his hands and said haughtily, "I want to challenge ten of their series at one go!"

Everyone was speechless.

Zhang Ye currently felt exceedingly confident. The Legend of Qin had finally been resurrected in this world by him. Furthermore, it was even resurrected as a more sophisticated version of the production by him!

Who else!

Just tell me, who else wants to have a go?

If it weren\'t someone from his previous world, they would never know just how awesome The Legend of Qin was!

But Zhang Ye knew!

So this fellow had an urge to stand on the rooftops and belt out the famousQingzang Plateau 1 !

On the first of the new month!

It was time!

The Legend of Qin shockingly debuted!

Due to a very strong publicity campaign, the hype was real. Countless people came to watch the video with the mentality of giving the animation a try. Some of them were doing so because of Zhang Ye\'s reputation, while others were here because of the celebrity voice actors. Up to this moment, there wasn\'t anyone who actually felt that this cartoon could shake off the curse of being a Chinese animation!

But after they watched the first episode, the whole of China was excited!

The narration came on!

It was Zhang Ye who did the voiceover!

"The previous dynasty of a thousand years has come to an end. A sense of desolation had set into the recesses of everyone\'s hearts. Memories of vast and splendid plains had turned to sand in the shadows of this new world. Resistance was futile. All who stood against the new empire were crushed under merciless horseshoes. The divided kingdoms were united into one empire. What used to be a deafening clamor has been silenced into one voice."

Golden dagger-axes!




In one short minute!

The magnificent images shocked everyone into stupefaction. It caught a lot of people off guard, and they couldn\'t believe what they were watching!

The Chinese people were stunned!

"Holy shit!"


"What\'s going on? Tell me, what\'s going on?"

"W-Was this produced by Zhang Ye?"

"Is this really our own cartoon?"

In the media.

"Oh my God!"

"This is too stunning!"

"Was this really done by us?"

"But it\'s impossible!"

"W-When did we have such quality!"

The Japanese side was also dumbfounded!

"This is a 3D animation?"

"Why is it like that?"

"This isn\'t right! This isn\'t right at all!"

"What is with the look of this animation?"





Only now did a lot of people realize that Zhang Ye\'s new animation was completely different from what they had imagined. How the fuck can this be a Chinese animation production?!

Fuck, this doesn\'t make any sense at all!

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