Rise of the Dark Alpha

Chapter 306 - The Gate


~ ZEV ~

At dinner that night, Skhal was there, waiting for him, watching.

Zev grinned. "I\'ve been cleared. You don\'t need to guard me."

Skhal\'s brows popped up. "Cleared for fighting?"

"Well, no, but you know it\'s not going to—"

"I told you, Zev, I\'m there to protect you, just in case. A couple more days, that\'s all. I can handle it, so can you."

Zev rolled his eyes, but didn\'t let his frustration show until he turned his head away to look into the trees. While his friends chatted and plotted, discussing who would be called to make the trip to the human world, and who would stay behind to guard, Zev\'s chest tightened.

They were protective of Sasha, and ready to retrieve her, but their excitement for the mission—born of their desire to take something back from the humans who\'d stolen so much—was tempered by their ignorance of the world. He\'d been warning them that it wasn\'t a place they could hide as easily as here. Too many open spaces. Too many technologies. But they couldn\'t imagine it because they\'d never seen it.

When they caught sight and smell of a highway they were going to shit themselves. And there was no way he could truly prepare them.

By the time they left the meal, his body was tired, but after a quick trip back to the medical center to ask for some herbs that would help him sleep, he was finally able to shift and trot to the cave in half the time.

Skhal was already there, waiting for him, a fire made, and in his seat that he would keep for the night.

"You\'re a good male, Skhal," Zev said quietly as he entered, a twinge of conscience prickling at him as he prepared drinks for them. "I\'m grateful for you."

"Liar," Skhal snorted. "I\'ve been an injured male before. Even without a female fussing, I know how frustrating it is. Just how badly does the urge to go to her chafe?"

Zev looked down at the drinks in the pottery mugs and sighed. He walked to Skhal and handed him one as he thought about the answer. The male took it and began to sip while he waited.

"It\'s… harder than I could say. But also, I\'m so certain of her… that she\'ll do everything she can… I just need to know she\'s okay," he said quietly, not meeting Skhal\'s eyes.

"Be patient. I know it\'s hard, but you\'ll do her no good going over early and getting yourself captured because you aren\'t at your best."

Zev nodded sadly. "I know. I just wish… I wish I could be sure she\'s okay."

"We all do. We want that for you, and for us."

"Do you, really?" Zev asked, just a hint of his anger welling up at Skhal for creating a question around Sasha\'s motives in front of the other wolves.

But Skhal met his eyes and nodded, raising his cup so Zev could tap it with his own. "Here\'s to the return of our Alpha—to her mate, and to her people," Skhal said. "Creator bless Sasha-don."

Zev blew out a breath. "Ill drink to that," he said, draining his cup.

Skhal did the same, then placed the cup at his feet on the stone floor while Zev undressed and folded his clothes carefully, then crawled into bed. He rolled over immediately and closed his eyes so Skhal wouldn\'t keep talking.


He hadn\'t intended to actually sleep, but he woke hours later with a start, cursing himself. He must have been more tired than he realized.

He didn\'t move at first, listening carefully, heart pounding—then relief rushing into every limb as he heard a soft snore.

The herbs in the drink had worked. Skhal was asleep.

Zev pushed out of the furs and got dressed hurriedly, praying that he hadn\'t left it too late. He needed to be back before Skhal woke, and before dawn when the hunters would spread out around Thana and he might accidentally run into any of them.

When he got out of the cave he was relieved to see the moon still high in the night sky. He had at least five hours before the sky began to lighten.

The sleep had done him good. His body felt good and even raising his arms and twisting back and forth didn\'t do more than make them ache.

With a grim smile, Zev shifted into his wolf and began the trek to the gateway cave.

He kept reminding himself that he wasn\'t going for her. That he would only cross to make sure they hadn\'t lost the bond. To connect with her. To find out where she was and what they\'d done to her.

He couldn\'t go after her yet, he knew that. But he felt the draw to her like a pull on his scruff. He needed to hear her voice. Needed to touch her—or failing that, to see her in his mind.

He need to know that they hadn\'t lost their soulbond.

Even the thought set his teeth on edge. He\'d been avoiding the thoughts for the past two days because he\'d felt so helpless and unable to do anything. But now, as he trotted determinedly, as each step brought him back to her, his mind was full of nothing but her—and his fear for where she might be.

He shook his head so hard his ears snapped, then pressed into an easy lope. His body didn\'t hurt, and the shift had come easily. He was fine. He was doing well. He just needed his mate, that was all. He needed to stop that hollow ache right at the center of his heart. The place that she should inhabit throbbed and pressed him forward, always forward, until finally the gateway cave came into sight.

He couldn\'t resist, he lengthened his stride up the path to the cave mouth, ignoring his favorite view of the valley as he neared the top. And he would have run straight into it, disregarded everything, not even checked his back, but as he turned into the cave itself, a shadow moved to his right and he dodged, growling as a huge shape rose to fill the cave almost to it\'s ceiling.

"I knew you\'d come," Yhet rumbled as Zev slid to a halt, trembling with the shock. "I knew it. I\'m ready.. I\'m coming with you."

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