Rise of the Dark Alpha

Chapter 203 - Taken

He\'d taken her by surprise with the change at first, but as he found his rhythm and she writhed against him, discovering this new kind of bliss, he made that call that echoed through the cave, and Sasha found herself less and less aware of anything but him.

Something was happening within him. She could feel it building. She\'d felt his tension from the moment she\'d woken, but he\'d seemed determined to push it aside, and she\'d wanted to help him do that if it was what he needed. But when their eyes had locked and once he\'d started touching her… it was as if the heat within them both flooded to the surface, and he was consumed. And consuming her in turn.

She wanted to be consumed by Zev. But she worried about what might have been the catalyst for it. At first uncertain about his apparently urgency, now she only wondered if she would survive the onslaught without actually losing her mind.

Zev\'s urgency translated to her own and she was beginning to shake as he squeezed pleasure from every stroke and thrust, every touch, every kiss.

She tried to say his name, but it came out on a rush of breath, hoarse and broken. Goosebumps rose in a wave down Sasha\'s back as Zev leaned over her and his chest brushed her with every thrust, his breath rasping as he took her, over and over.

And just when she thought she couldn\'t imagine a better feeling than this , he slid his palm up her stomach to find her breast, pinching and rolling her nipple between his thumb and forefinger in time with his thrusts.

Sasha\'s voice broke on the cry he pulled from her throat.

She gasped and shook under the barrage of his love, feeling him over her, within her, his lips on her shoulder, his breath in her hair.

Then, with a gasped, "Oh god, Sash!" he braced, his fingers entwining with hers, fisting the soft furs under them.

He thrust again and Sasha shuddered, her entire body vibrating with need.

"So beautiful… my mate. My only… holy… Sash…. Sasha!"

Zev cried her beauty and his love as he used his other hand to comb her hair forward, off her neck. Then he sang into her skin, kissing her there, the flat of his tongue laving the pebbled nape of her neck. Sasha arched, pressing back into him with every thrust, sobbing his name, her body quaking, unable to contain the sensations he wrung from her.

"Yes, Zev! I love you…"

At the sound of her voice, croaking and broken, his fingers tightened, his teeth grazed the back of her neck and he leaned into her, his breath hot and frantic in her hair.

"Sash… please…" he rasped.

"Anything," she choked. "I\'m here, Zev."

"I want… I need… I need to mark you mine." The words descended into a growl. Then he thrust again, harder this time, his breath hissing between his teeth, and Sasha cried out.


"I\'m ardent, Sash. You\'re my forever!"

"Yes! Yes, me too!" She trembled, her arms threatening to give. But then Zev groaned and opened his mouth on the back of her neck, latched on, and sucked.


Harder than he ever had. As if he truly did wish to devour her. Sucking, groaning against her skin, and still taking her with his body, over and over. Harder and harder.

He was going to leave a mark on her neck, but she didn\'t care. She couldn\'t care. Her initial flash of fear was immediately overwhelmed. Something was happening. Something incredible. Something beautiful. She welcomed it. Surrendered to it.

Still fisting the furs with her with one hand, Zev explored every curve of her body with the other, the pace of his thrusts increasing until Sasha could only hold on and press back into him, to find him, seeking, wringing every ounce of pleasure he gave, her own cries increasing, rising to echo in the cave alongside his.

Her body shook, her neck ached where he sucked, but soon he growled and let go, hissing his love and possession.

"Mine," he rasped. "No one else, ever, Sash. No male but me."

"No one!" she gasped. "Only you."

The desperation in his voice should have frightened her, but it only ratcheted up her pleasure, half of her wishing he\'d flip her over so she could touch him, the other half pleading for more, only more.

His fingers tightened on hers almost to the point of pain, his knuckles standing white and his groans became rhythmic cries. Sasha sobbed, lights flashing on the edge of her vision as the entire world began to suck in and disappear, until she was aware of nothing but him, nothing but their joining, nothing but his touch and his voice.

Then, without warning, Zev sat back, pulling her with him, gasping in shock as the angle changed and suddenly her back was at his chest, and she straddled his thighs, riding him, his strong hands cupping her breasts, but taking her weight as if she were a toy.

"Please, Sash…. Oh god, please."

"I\'m here, Zev!"

He growled, a near snarl, and pulled her into his chest, her name on his lips like a prayer. Then, splaying one hand at her sternum to take her weight, he slid the other down, between her legs, to touch her where they joined.

Sasha gasped as an entirely new chorus of sensations joined the choir. She clenched and her body shuddered.

"Oh Zev! I love you! I love you! Don\'t stop! Please!"

With a tortured snarl, he latched onto her neck again and as her body climbed that final wave, as she was consumed by the trembling heat coiling in her belly and fizzing through her veins, she felt the sharp pierce of his teeth on her skin, right where he\'d marked her.

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