Rise of the Dark Alpha

Chapter 127 - Council

~ ZEV ~

It was a tradition of the Wolf Council that every decision must be voted. The vote itself was little more than an exercise it finding unity—they\'d always discussed issues and problems until they could find an approach that all members could at least support, if not applaud.

So when Bleddyn was the one to suggest voting in support of Zev as Wolf Clan Alpha, and his bid for Alpha of All, Zev was touched—and more than a little surprised. But apparently the dark wolf really had submitted despite their rocky start, because he voted in unity with the others, and so it was decided.

The wolves would support Zev in a bid for the Alpha of All.

With that vote out of the way, the discussion eased a little, but turned to the future of the wolf clan, and the Chimera as a whole.

"So, your claim is made and we will support you in it. But what do you plan to do? Will you take Alpha before you enter the ritual?"

"I don\'t know," Zev said. "I need to heal before I face Xar, but I also don\'t want to fight any more of the if it isn\'t necessary. I don\'t want to give them a lot of time to change their minds. I say we move ahead with the ritual—the day after tomorrow. Once that\'s done and we\'ve had our solitude, I can Xar when we\'re back and I\'ll be fully healed." His ribs screamed every time he moved, but he knew within two days that would be an ache, and two days after that he\'d be good as new.

What he was less sure of was how the males would react with an unmated female running around loose, since their bond wouldn\'t be acknowledged by most. He needed that ritual, and fast.

"What does your mate say?" Skhal asked quietly.

The males all eyed Sasha and Zev sighed. They could all still scent Sasha\'s tension. Zev was desperate to get her alone after this Clan business was finished so they could finally talk without being under threat. But he knew he couldn\'t risk appearing to rush the council. The males needed a lot of reassurance—and he needed them behind him.

Sasha looked around, startled when she realized they were all staring at her. "I told you, I choose Zev," she said quickly, licking her lips, then eyeing Zev, who nodded. She was doing the right thing.

"Do you have concerns about the mating ritual happening so quickly?" Jhon asked, watching her carefully.

"No. Why would I? He\'s my mate, as you put it. I\'ve been waiting for him."

The males all grunted or murmured, nodding their heads, and Zev hid a smile. She didn\'t know that, by Chimera tradition, she\'d just told them she\'d been keeping herself for Zev.

He wondered if she really had. She\'d had a boyfriend in the past year. Her apparent happiness to be rid of the guy didn\'t mean that she hadn\'t touched him, or let him touch her. Zev rolled his shoulders and tried to loosen the sudden tension in his neck, reminding himself he had no right to be uncomfortable with any relationship she might have had, under the circumstances.

"You don\'t wish to wait until your bleeding has passed?" Joyte asked frankly.

Sasha choked like she\'d swallowed something wrong. Zev stifled a grin and watched her, knowing he was taking too much pleasure in her discomfort. But it was kind of funny to see the shoe on the other foot.

Sasha had always been the one who spoke what she thought, with few filters, and fewer malicious intentions. But her blunt honesty—or verbal diarrhea under stress, as she put it—had always been a shock to people. He was glad she hadn\'t grown out of it. But he did wonder how she would cope with the Chimera\'s openness about the things of the body and nature.

"I, uh… I don\'t want to wait, no," she said.

"You may enjoy your solitude more—and you are more likely to be successful in reproduction if you wait until after—unless the human female body is different?" Skhal asked.

The male didn\'t smile, but Zev wondered if he knew more than he was letting on, and was just enjoying teasing Sasha.

He looked at her. Her cheeks were beet-red and it hit him then that to her, speaking to other males about this was akin to the violation of being seen naked. He hurried to intervene, cursing himself for not taking seriously how sensitive she could become about those things.

"Sasha and I have no reason to fear problems in seeking a family," Zev said quietly, putting his authority behind the statement. "To us, this is reunion after a long separation. We don\'t want to extend it a day longer than necessary."

Cheeks still red, Sasha nodded in agreement.

"I will speak with Kyelle about setting up the ritual for the day after tomorrow," Joyte said with a quiet nod.

Sasha blinked. "Why Kyelle?"

"You need a female alongside you during the ritual," Zev said nervously, cursing his luck in this as well. "There are very few still in Thana, and it really needs to be a female that matches you in rank. Once we\'re mated, you\'ll be the highest ranking female. Only Kyelle comes close right now." Zev\'s stomach felt sick at the thought, but Joyte was right, what other choice did he have?

Sasha looked at him strangely. "Will she want to do it?"

"Kyelle will do whatever is best for the people," Zev said, answering the question without actually answering it, because the truth was… he very much doubted it. He also had little doubt that she would. Kyelle had a heart of gold. But she was a strong female, and her feelings for Zev…

He\'d never led her on. They\'d been close as friends. But he\'d known of her hope. He\'d always been clear with her that he believed Sasha was his mate and she\'d accepted the boundaries he set. But her hope had lived on, he knew. But now…

He was going to have to speak with her—as Alpha of the Clan, as well as mate to the female Kyelle would help.

He had to make sure she wasn\'t going to put any barriers in their way.

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