The Tyrant's Pet

Chapter 632 Get Her Out Of My Sight

Night and day came and fell alternatively quicker than normal. They postponed the announcement of who would become the empress for several days because of the investigation in the east district.

The problem with Princess Agnes was that she underestimated the intel of the Haimirich Empire. Even if she left no evidence that would trace it back to her, Conan would always find the culprit. It was just a matter of time, and sadly, this issue was far too easy to challenge the emperor\'s aide. Aries didn\'t even need to do anything and let things unfold, especially with Lady Ivory\'s insistence and participation in the investigation.

Although Lady Ivory was apparently disqualified due to her incompetence. How could anyone want an empress who couldn\'t even protect a small town? She would just become a useless marionette in the empire.

"For sabotaging and putting the lives of the emperor\'s subject in danger... do you plead guilty for all these charges, Princess?" An official read the long list of crimes that they charged Princess Agnes.

The dignified Princess Agnes was sitting on the lone chair in the middle of the court. Some nobles of the empire came to witness the trial, the emperor was also present, ministers and officials, the high priest of the church, and the candidates -- former and current candidates -- were all here to see how this trial would play out.

Aries, along with Veronika, Sybil, Suzanne, Lady Ivory and her lackeys, and Princess Agnes\'s handmaiden, Fatima Wendell, watched everything unfold from the private room on the second floor. Aries was observing Fatima Wendell from the corner of her eyes and would swing her attention to the satisfied Lady Ivory.

"Serves her right," Lady Ivory commented, and everyone in her vicinity heard her clearly.

"What did you say?" Fatima Wendell was quick to retort.

"Serves her right," Lady Ivory repeated, this time stressing each syllable while smirking at Fatima Wendell. "Are you not listening to the empire\'s concern? Your beloved Princess put the people in the east in danger just to make herself look good. Even if the problem was resolved and no one was hurt, the emperor and his subject aren\'t deaf, blind, and mute to allow such a scheming and vile person to claim the throne."

"She always acts so high and mighty, but who would\'ve thought her shell is the only good thing about her?" Lady Julienne commented sarcastically, chortling behind her hand fan.


"Enough." Aries snapped her eyes at Fatima Wendell the moment the latter sprung up from her seat in anger. "We are still in a trial. Unless you want to join the princess over there, go and start pulling each other\'s hair."

Fatima Wendel balled her hand into a tight fist, while Lady Ivory smirked mockingly. In the end, all Fatima could do was huff sharply before sitting down in her seat. Meanwhile, Aries shifted her eyes at the gaze on her side.

Veronika was looking back at Aries silently, only to see the latter offer her a kind smile. Even though Aries hadn\'t admitted her complete involvement in the recent incidents, Veronika was keen enough to put two and two together.

Princess Agnes and Lady Ivory... fell into Aries\'s traps. Strangely, that put Veronika\'s heart at ease. Aries was capable and knew how to play; no wonder the smart and twisted Joaquin Imperial fell from his grace.

After having quick eye contact with Veronika, Aries looked ahead.

\'Funny, isn\'t it, my love?\' she thought, setting her eyes at the princess sitting in the middle of the court. \'Princess Agnes and Lady Ivory had taken out most of the candidates until there\'s just the three of us.\'

\'But now, those two had lost all the rights to claim the crown.\' Abel\'s amused voice rang in her head, glancing at the second floor from his throne. \'While you get the support you wanted.\'

The corner of his lips curled up before he set his attention before him. He propped his jaw against his knuckles, amusement fastening in his eyes.

Aries\'s action so far had lessened his burden to make her his empress. He could\'ve just forced it in the first place since no amount of opposition would even change his mind. However, the investigation period was enough to have time to jump to their own conclusion. All they had to do was give people ideas and let their imagination run wild... and then fuel it.

In other words, for the past several days, people had suspected who could\'ve done such a selfish deed in the east.

When something bad happened, people would always look at the person who benefited the most, and that was Princess Agnes. The south had sent relief to help almost immediately, making everyone think how kind and capable she was of having more than enough for the south district. It made her name and reputation look good, to say the least.

But just after a day, everyone started to doubt the princess and were enraged by her action, appealing to send <strong>"the vixen" </strong>out of the empire. Some had also voiced out that someone from the empire should take the seat of the empress, instead of an outsider.

Lady Ivory was already proven incompetent. Therefore, there was only one candidate for everyone. Even though this could be Aries\'s second marriage, her birthright, upbringing, and the merits she had gained throughout the competition were enough to cover up the stain in her qualifications.

It was just as Aries wanted.

"Princess," called the minister, this time in a much firmer and darker tone.

Princess Agnes had been looking down since the beginning. Upon the minister\'s second call, she slowly raised her head. She then lifted her eyes to the second floor, only to meet Aries\'s emotionless eyes. Her gaze veered to the other person among the ladies, catching the teary-eyed Fatima, her handmaiden.

Princess Agnes smiled subtly before facing ahead. Instead of the minister, she gazed directly at the emperor.

"Yes," she said, and the crowd\'s protest immediately erupted in the court. "I plead guilty to all the charges. It is true that I sabotaged Lady Ivory and also planned to do the same thing to the west district to make sure I win the selection."


"How can you do that to our empire?!"

"Take her to the gallows! Her greed will bring nothing but disaster for our great empire!"

The nobles and all the audiences who came couldn\'t contain their growing disdain, shouting in unison, their voices loud, words cruel. All these were put to a halt when the emperor slowly rose to his feet.

"Since you had admitted to your crimes, I will grant you mercy, for this empire will welcome an empress, and shedding blood is a terrible way to start her reign." His lips stretched as his eyes shone with pride. "Since there\'s only one candidate who was left, I would like to congratulate the esteemed lady of the House Vandran."

Abel raised his hand in the second floor\'s direction. The crowd slowly turned their attention to Aries, seeing her slowly stand up and perform a curtsy. A round of applause and cheers instantly erupted in the air as if they weren\'t just requesting to execute someone a moment ago.

"The coronation will be in three days\' time," he continued, retrieving his hand, and then gazed down at Princess Agnes. His smile faded and a layer of frost covered his eyes. "And her... get her out of my sight."

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