What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 772 - Brendan Best Gangster

I\'m hoping I\'ve already seen the most absurd ideas there are and the remaining ones would be better. Then again, it should only be just left with Brendan right?

Hmm… Then there shouldn\'t be any need for me to be concerned since he should be quite sensible.

I gave the cue to start and waited patiently for Brendan to enter.

Like Diao Chan, my Alchemist chose not to break down the door but he did shove it open more forcefully than my Witch did.

His gait was also quite forceful, not too much that he looked arrogant but just enough to show that he meant business. It\'s easy to forget that he was still a nobleman\'s son so it\'s normal for him to know such intricate details, just enough to show that he was doing it on purpose.

I waited patiently as he stopped at a distance closer than what decorum would allow but not too close to seem ignorant.

"King of Sun," Brendan greeted without bowing, another clear sign of disrespect in court. "I believe you know why we\'re here. Hand over the Dark Sect you are harbouring inside your country or face the consequences."

Oh, Brendan\'s actually acting this out, guess I need to play my part as well.

I cleared my throat, "How interesting… Firstly, you have no proof they are here as you claim. Secondly, even if they are here, why should I listen to a poor, pitiful country like yours?"

Of course I didn\'t know if that was what he would say since I wasn\'t using omniscience to find out, but I thought that would be how he would react for someone who is the king of such a country.

Brendan grinned, "Funny you should say that. But just to check, how much money do we need to pay you to take them off your hands?"

I gave an exaggerated wave of my hand, "Assuming they are even within my lands, you cannot afford the amount that will convince me to do that. I still have my dignity as a king and it will reflect badly if I were to just obey you, don\'t you think?"

"Very interesting… This is a little off topic but… I believe gold is a very important commodity in your country, correct?"

"Naturally! We are the country of trade and the wealthiest country after all! Gold flows in our country like water! That\'s why there\'s no way your poor little country could even afford to pay for my attention!" I boasted.

I\'m talking out of my ass by the way, I have no idea if what I just said was even true for them.

Brendan nodded his head, "Very well then. Could I show everyone here something?"

"Oh? Very well, I\'ll allow it… Err… Just to make sure, what will you do if he says no?" I asked, breaking out of character for a moment.

"I\'ll still show it Master. Or rather, Master will be the one showing it," Brendan admitted sheepishly. "It\'s not like anyone can stop Master from doing it if you want to, right?"

"Umu, true enough. Carry on."

He knelt down and materialised a glass box on the ground from his storage ring. Opening the top cover, he took out several gold coins and dumped them inside the box.

Next, he took out a small, white vial that he placed inside the box with the coins.

He then closed back the lid and took a step back, "Just to be clear, those are real gold coins I\'m using."

I nodded to show acknowledgement, prompting Brendan to continue with his presentation.

He raised his hand and I assumed he was using his Technique to control whatever was inside the vial, most probably some sort of liquid.

The vial\'s cork popped open and a stream of white liquid poured over the edge. However, that liquid quickly evaporated into a thin layer of mist that filled up the box.

Even from here, I could see that the gold coins quickly corroded into some kind of black liquid substance once the mist enveloped it, losing all of its former golden lustre.

"This is just a small demonstration of what we can do, King of Sun. We can release this within the city and any gold that even comes in contact with air will turn to this lump of black ooze. I\'m not even just talking about coins but all the gold you use to build your palace will also turn into this," Brendan threatened, gesturing to the gold found within the throne room.

Damn, he really got them by their balls huh? They can declare war over this but it will also be one of the outcomes we are expecting so there\'s no problem with us going through with such a threat.

I leaned forward in my seat, deciding there was no need to continue the acting, "Oh, that\'s cool. How did you do that, Brendan?"

Brendan scratched his cheek, "It\'s a simple alchemical reaction Master. It\'s a compound that rapidly corrodes gold into that. I thought of it on our way here but only just managed to test it now."

Genius, really a genius. Brendan really doesn\'t give himself enough credit. This is perfect. And he even claimed that he had nothing prepared to deal with them?

"So you did prepare something to use against that king?" I asked.

Brendan scratched his cheek, "Umm… Not exactly… I intended to only use this for any other rude merchant we came across… There\'s actually not enough to threaten the king with…"

But still, the fact he managed to make this is still genius.

I stood up and clapped, "Very good Brendan, I am absolutely impressed!"

He lowered his head in embarrassment, "Umm… Tha… Thank you, Master."

I nodded at him, "Umu, perfectly done. Now, I believe that\'s everyone right?"

A little hand raised up, "Cai Hong turn, Papa!"

Eh? Cai Hong\'s participating too? Umm… I guess she thought this was a game everyone is playing. Oh well, of course I\'ll indulge my little dragon.

I reset the throne room to call for action just for little Cai Hong.

One of the doors swung open and Cai Hong scurried in, looking absolutely adorable by how she was skipping her way towards me.

She gingerly climbed up the steps to stop in front of me, giving me a very cute look with her large, bright eyes before she lunged forward.

"Nom!" She squeaked, biting down softly on my arm.

Sooooo cute.

I had to give her a good minute of head patting for being so utterly adorable.

"Ehehehe~ Papa warm~"

Awww… Just look at this little cutie.

Ahem… Err… Now that\'s everyone right?

"Ara, ara? There\'s still me, Master~"

I looked up and Iris was standing in front of me with her usual smile on her face.

I felt my hair stand on end and I didn\'t even manage to squeeze a word out before the entire world Ended and the space around us turned completely white.

Well… Good thing it was a separate world I created just for that little skit so it\'s not like it was a big deal. I guess Iris just wanted to End something or show off huh.

\'Ara, ara? Master knows me so well~\'

I bonked her on the head with the hammer and made her stand in the corner after that.

She\'s the one I really need to teach the meaning of restraint to.

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