What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 712 - I Seriously Don’t Like You

"What\'s Wugui doing here?"

"No idea… He never joins the morning practices…"

"Maybe he\'s here because of the advancement test tomorrow?"

"Tch, does he think some last minute practice will save him?"

"Hey, wanna bet which servant job he\'ll be assigned to?"

"Pfft, I\'m betting on latrine cleaning."

"Ahahaha! That\'s a good one! I\'ll bet on that too!"

I walked past the chattering students while ignoring their words. I didn\'t really need to practice of course, I\'m merely here to see what the other students\' impressions of this guy was and what level the average student here is.

I said it once and I\'ll say it again, how did this guy live with himself for so long after facing all this abuse? You\'d think he at least did something about it but apparently he was content to be abused by everyone around him for some reason.

The surrounding disciples suddenly quietened down and the crowd parted to allow a young girl to walk past them.

She was clearly someone important judging by how well kept she was and the way she was striding forward.

Seeing how she was headed directly towards me, I could already kind of guess who she was to the dead guy before she even started talking.

She scowled at me with a hand resting on her hip, "Wugui… I already told you not to approach me anymore, is that too hard for you to understand?"

Yep, she\'s either this guy\'s fiancee or maybe a girl he chased after relentlessly before.

She\'s cute I guess, but definitely not on the level of any of my girls so I wouldn\'t have paid her any attention if she hadn\'t called out to me.

I tilted my head at her, "I\'m just here to use the training grounds, weren\'t you the one who walked up to me? I was nowhere near you."

She huffed, "Everyone knows you\'re desperate for my attention Wugui. You\'ve already tried so many things, so is this your new way of getting it? You think if you act cool and aloof you\'ll suddenly be popular?"

Ouch, I feel like she\'s attacking the other guys who do that, I even saw a few of them among the crowd wincing at her words.

Well, it\'s true though, except I don\'t have any interest in her.

I waved my hand dismissively, "I was definitely not doing something like that and I really wasn\'t trying to get your attention. Since we both don\'t want to interact, could you just go away now?"

I tried to walk past her but she stepped in front of me to block my way, "What did you say?! How dare you dismiss me like that! Who do you think you are?!"

What\'s your problem lady? I even did what you wanted by leaving you alone and yet now you\'re stopping me from leaving, isn\'t that contradictory of you? So do you want me to leave you alone or not? Can you make up your mind?

Oh wait… I know now.

I smirked at her, "I get it now… As much as you hate hi-- I mean, hate me, you liked the attention I was giving you before, didn\'t you? Now that I\'m actually not giving you my time of day, you\'re upset aren\'t you?"

I could see a vein popping at the side of her head, proving my assumptions to be right.

"Who wants your attention?! I definitely don\'t want a piece of trash\'s attention!" She yelled, obviously pissed I saw through her.

I shrugged, "If you don\'t want it, could you step aside? You\'re blocking my way."

The girl that I don\'t know the name of gnashed her teeth before storming away in a huff, as if she wasn\'t the one who approached me in the first place.

At least her departure made Xun Guan relax a little. I think my slime girl was preparing for the possibility that she might slap me to protect me from that but that was not even necessary.

I was going to move forward again but even more people came to block my way, this time it was a group of five guys who looked especially pissed.

The one in the middle pointed his finger at me, "Wugui! How dare you insult our goddess Piao Liang?! You better go and beg her for forgiveness or we\'ll beat you until even your grandfather wouldn\'t recognise you!"

I gave him an incredulous look, "Haaa? Do you even hear yourself? She already told me not to approach her and you\'re telling me to go find her? Are you stupid? If you\'re supposed to be her lackey or her fanboy, why are you making me go and spend more time with her?"

He looked even more pissed since I was speaking facts, so he resorted to using the only method he knew to cover his embarrassment.

The boy pulled back his fist before trying to punch me in the face.

I considered just letting him hit me but I decided needing to deal with the two girls watching over me was more troublesome than its worth so I ducked under the punch instead.

The people around us gasped, clearly not expecting me to be able to dodge the punch at all, even the guy? himself looked surprised.

Since he was so busy gawking at me, I clenched my fist and delivered an uppercut to his jaw, knocking the guy out and leaving him sprawled on the floor.

"Xun Guan…" I whispered, a little miffed that she purposely made the punch hit harder by reinforcing herself.

She started massaging my shoulders so I decided to let her off the hook for now.

The other four guys took one look at their unconscious leader before turning to me, enraged.

The one on my right let out a roar before leaping at me, his arms stretched out to grab me.

I sidestepped him and stuck out my leg, tripping him over to fall face first into the ground.

His buddy came at me with a wild haymaker, giving away his inexperience in unarmed combat. I responded to that by giving him a kick in the guts, knocking the wind out of him and sending him flying back a few feet.

The last guy tried to tackle me so I roundhouse kicked his face, the impact sending him flying away.

The first guy I tripped over was in the midst of getting up when he got knocked over again by the guy I just kicked, leaving him stuck under his unconscious friend.

I was almost disappointed in how easy it was until I remembered these guys were just Outer Core Practitioners, they were still in the early stages of cultivation after all.

There\'s no way they can compare to godlike existences that I\'ve had the misfortune of facing against so of course they\'d be easy.

I dusted myself and continued my way forward, this time the crowd parting automatically to let me pass. I know when I\'ve overstayed my welcome so I didn\'t stay, I already got what I came for anyway.

Heh, I can\'t wait till tomorrow already.

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