What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 450 - Hail The New King?


After receiving news that the Dongs intend to surrender, she had chosen to rush here to meet us so that we could head towards the agreed place and negotiate the terms of surrender with their king.

"Speaking of which, how are the servant girls doing?" I asked.

"We left them back at the Sect as a defense force, Master," Lian Li explained. "Sophia had wanted to come but changed her mind when she thought defending Master\'s home was more important to her."

Hmm… I guess that\'s for the best. Remembering our little spar, if she had participated in the war, Dong might just be a wasteland by now, barrier or not.

Lian Li entwined her fingers with mine, a face blushing red at her actions.

On the other side, Cai Hong was grasping on to my other hand tightly as well. Normally she would only use one hand to hold me but this time she had used both her hands to hold on to mine. Interestingly, she was still wearing her cute military uniform complete with a peak cap, looking absolutely adorable in it.

Manami and Kiyomi were also standing protectively behind me, a few of their tails wrapped around my legs as though afraid that I would suddenly disappear.

Eris and Elaria were grasping at the hems of my robe, though they were trying to do it discreetly without much success.

Diao Chan…. Well, that little Witch was currently burrowed in my robes from behind, the perverted girl sniffing my back indecently with her arms wrapped around my waist.

Even though Brendan did not join them, the way he kept glancing at me every few seconds showed his obvious concern for me.

Seems like they\'re still worried about me I suppose.

Hmm… Maybe I\'ll give them another treat tonight?

Just when that thought crossed my mind, there was the sound of a carriage moving down the path towards us.

I looked up to see what was obviously the Queen\'s carriage with her escort riding towards our camp.

Leading her escort was the very familiar centaur, Gamma, all dressed up in her full plate armour and her halberd held at her side.

The carriage stopped in front of us and Gamma immediately came up to me, taking off her helmet with her free hand to hold against her side.

I just managed to wiggle my way out of my disciples\' embrace to meet her.

"Master, it is good to see you in good health," She greeted me with a low bow of her head. "Please accept my apologies of being unable to protect you in your time of need. I will accept any punishment you see fit!"

I reached up and patted her head, "It\'s fine. It\'s something that I decided on my own to do after all. It is no fault of yours."

She bowed her head again, "Master… I thank you for your benevolence!"

"Enough of that, you\'re the Queen\'s guard aren\'t you? You should be focusing on your liege you know?"

As though only just realising that, she responded to my words with an "Ah!" before turning back to make sure her Queen was alighting safely from the carriage.

Queen Guiying walked up to me with the grace befitting of her station, her sides flanked by Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta while the rest of her guards and attendants remained a distance away.

Guiying stopped at an arms length from me and nodded, "Master Lin, I apologize once again for having to trouble your esteemed self in this. We will definitely compensate you for all the troubles we\'ve caused and reward you for your contributions to this war."

Oh, that\'s definitely her build up to try and name me as Emperor or something. Not gonna fall for that.

I bowed my head, "You are too kind, Your Majesty. But I am merely doing my duty to the country. Such actions do not deserve your praise and attention."

I took a peek at the Queen and she was pouting cutely at me.

Sorry Guiying, but I have decided that the Emperor role is really too much for me. I would very much rather just spend my days lazing around with my disciples than worry over an entire country.

Yep, it might have gotten a little off track, but I still want my easy life ok?!

"Please lift your head, Master Lin, you truly are too humble. It would still leave a bad taste in my mouth if your sacrifices go unrewarded. I will think of a suitable reward in the future, so please do look forward to it."

Ugh… Not even giving me the option to decline huh? She really is insistent on making me Emperor huh?

I was going to decline again when Lian Li spoke up, "Could this subject ask what reward our Master might be suitable in receiving, Your Majesty?"

Oh, that\'s perfect! Of course my disciples wouldn\'t want their Master to become something as troublesome as an Emperor right? They will definitely help me dissuade her from giving me that role!

Guiying smiled at them, "Of course it is the reward to let Master Lin be recognised. I intend to make Master Lin the ruler of this new territory that we conquered."

Huhu… Tell her how bad of an idea it is my cute disciples!

Lian Li clapped her hands together, "That\'s a great idea! Master should be the new king of this land! The people would definitely recognise Master\'s greatness that way!"

What? Wait a minute, that\'s not how it should go.

Manami nodded, her tails wrapping themselves around me once again, "Ara, ara? Master as the new King? This older sister will do her best to support the new King of these lands, ufufufufu~"

Wait, no. Even you?

Eris smiled at me, "Yes! That will be awesome! Ahem… I mean… This one humbly thinks Master would make a good King too."

No, no, no. There\'s absolutely no way.

Cai Hong looked up at me with sparkly eyes with her hands thrown up in the air, "Papa! \'Kingwu~\'!"

No, not you too…

Diao Chan peeked out from under my robes, having crawled back in there just a few moments ago, "I will aid Master to the best of my ability! Use me however you wish too, Master! Erm… If something goes wrong… Please punish me too~ Ehehehe~"

Please wait, why are you all up for this?

Kiyomi wrapped one of her tails around my waist, "Mmm… It is natural for the strong to lead after all. Therefore, it is a natural place for Master to be."

Wait, wait, wait. Stop. That\'s not how it goes for kings, right?

Brendan scratched his chin, "Mmm… Master would definitely lead this place better than whoever the former king would. I think it is a good idea as well."

Et tu Brendan?

Elaria nodded her head sagely, "Mnn! Mnn! Onii-sama is definitely the best! This imouto will work hard for Onii-sama\'s sake too!"


All of them turned to look at me.

"All hail Master as the new king!"

Noooooo… This wasn\'t how it was supposed to go!

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