The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 718

But so far, there doesn’t seem to be any trouble at all. I can’t tell because they are on Earth and we’re literally in another world. Or we could say that we’re on the Moon.

Does the cult still think that the moon and the Monsters World are two different worlds? Maybe. I heard that they are still trying to create something to travel to the Moon from Earth.

If they knew about it, that means all the people we’re fighting is their full force that they can muster in those areas. But if they don’t know about it, that means we still haven’t fought their full force yet since they spare some of them to the creation of the transportation device.

I don’t know which one is better. But I hope that in the experiment to go to the Moon, they have to sacrifice many people. That will reduce their number. I hope it won’t be the innocents

Soon enough, Sonia appears in front of us.

“Roy, point three had some trouble.”


We made the designated places for the summoners from the cult to open portals to transport people called as point.

There are several places and we just call it point one, point two, and so forth. And I made sure that I remember which place is what point.

Point three is somewhere near both Tatrama and Rygis. I think I performed a circus there right after we left Rygis. I didn’t see anything suspicious back then. I guess they are good at hiding.

I opened a portal to Cassau and told those who are ready to enter the portal. And everyone comes.

Angela, Jewel, Candy, Kron, and even Randy, Veronica, and Wendy who were supposed to be doing some mission entered the portal. I guess it is much easier for them to leave from my side instead of waiting in Cassau. I think just Lina and her monsters, Sunny and Elsie, can protect our home. Sophie is strong as well even if she doesn’t like fighting. And Hannah, I heard that she’s progressing well in her magic.

“Angela, you go,” I said as I opened a portal to Point Three.

Without hesitation, Angela entered the portal. After seeing her entered the portal, I checked the situation for a bit before closing the portal.

I heard some big magic was used. I hope they’re all okay. Not the cult members obviously.

“Okay, while waiting, line up in a straight line so I can just send the next person right away after I opened a portal,” I said.

Kayla then built some chairs from earth and they all sat there. With Kron obviously wanted to be the first after Angela.

“By the way, what about your mission? Randy first,” I asked.

“With something as big as what we’re about to do, I don’t think there’s any point in investigating more. But I have learned a lot about them. I’ll tell Albert later,” he said.

“What about Veronica and Wendy?” this time, I asked the two ladies.

“It was worse than expected. But we found many things. We’ll inform His Majesty after this before returning back to the mission,” Wendy said.

“Well... what’s wrong, Veronica? You’re not going to join them?”

I looked at Veronica who still didn’t sat and just stand there. There must be something going on in her head.

“Roy, I heard that you captured three summoners. Where are they?” she asked.

“The Monsters Village. I had the werewolves look after them. Do you know someone among them?” I asked.

“Maybe. I’m looking for a summoner or tamer who made a contract with an Ice Giant. During my mission, I heard that an Ice Giant was purposely called and destroyed some villages just so many villagers will move. The cult would then appear and act as the villagers’ savior by chasing out the Ice Giant. I thought that the Ice Giant might be a contracted monster. Either by a tamer or a summoner.”

Veronica then explained what she found. Wendy also helped with the explanation.

Seems like the Ice Giant attacked villages on purpose so the cult will gain more believer. And those believers will then be asked to do something simple like scouting summoners or tamers from school during Awakening Ceremony where kids at the age of fifteen awakened their elements.

Randy then added that he heard similar stores during his mission. But not just with an Ice Giant. Sometimes, it was other monsters including minotaur and two-headed snake.


“What is it, Roy? You know something?” Veronica asked.

I didn’t answer. But Kayla did it for me.

“Yes, we know them. In fact, the three summoners we caught are probably the ones you’re talking about. A woman with disfigured face who made a contract with a two-headed snake monster, a man who made a contract with a minotaur, and another man with Ice Giant as his familiar. Or at least he used to be,” Kayla said.

“What happened?” Veronica asked.

“Well...” Kayla looked at me for a second before she continued explaining, “Roy ripped his arm from his body and then he killed the Ice Giant with one slash. That’s what happened,” Kayla said.

Then everyone looked at me like I’m a crazy guy. They are right though.

“Well, if he already received his punishment, I’ll think about it later. When will we attack the place the places where those three summoners you captured have contact with?” Veronica said as she sat on one of the chair.

“After a few hours. Those places might be much more difficult to raid than the places we’re attacking now,” Kayla said.

Soon after, Sonia appears again and tells us that there’s another trouble in another location. So I send Kron there.

“So, any news while I’m staying here?” I asked.

“From what I heard, King Henry from Varadis is focusing more on his magic while his heir took more jobs. Maybe he’s thinking of improving his magic so he can have a long life,” Candy said.

“Oh, that’s good. His son doesn’t seem to have the right mindset to be a king. He still has a lot to learn. And if old man Henry can even reach expert level, that would be great,” I said.

“He has. He reached expert level a few days ago. And he’s asking Patricia if there’s any shortcut to reach master level,” Candy said.

So he only focused on improving his magic level and gain longevity. That might be a good idea. Maybe Albert or Lynn will do that in the future as well. As for Fabio, he’s already an expert level mage.

Though I hope that once he reached master level, he would try to improve his magic. That way, he won’t be easily defeated by expert level mages.

I don’t know if quickly increasing your level and stabilize it later is better, or stabilize your magic as best as possible before trying to increase your level is better. We need more research on that.

Though we don’t have the time for that yet. We’re at war against the cult. We need to be as strong as possible. So we decided to let individuals decide for themselves what they want to do.

And Sonia appears again to tell me the next location. So I sent Jewel who is ready to fight.

But soon after, I sensed familiar magic. A portal is opening.

“Someone is coming from over there!” I shouted.

The others quickly prepare themselves for a fight. And seeing that everyone is ready to fight, Kayla relaxed and just stay by my side. She knows that the others will take care of whoever coming.

The portal opened, and Wendy quickly send a Wind Slash to the portal. The man right in front of the opened portal, from my point of view, who seems to be the summoner, died right away.

The portal closed as I see someone I assume to be a master level mage about to attack us. But he’s too late as the portal is closed already.

“That’s where I sent Kron before. There’s no need to send anyone there since Sonia hasn’t informed us about it,” I said.

There should only be four place where summoners go to after bringing people from this world tonight. But we also attacked other places listed on the schedule even though it’s not the time for them to bring people. And seems like we are right to do it since I sent Kron to the place where the cult’s summoners shouldn’t come from tonight.

The cult’s influence is too big. Poor villagers believed them to be their savior. And rich people from big city believed that the cult can bring profit to them.

If only their goal is not world destruction, they might be a decent religion.

But that’s not the case. And we’re at war with them.

There will only be one survivor. Either the cult win and they destroy the world, or we win and continue with more troublesome matters. After all, the aftermath of a war is usually much harder to handle than the war itself.

But those are the trouble for the kings. I’m just the Werewolf King. Let the werewolves have some good meal and a chance to fight, and they will be happy.

...Now that I think about it, that’s actually what other kings do. Letting their people bring meals to the table. I guess I’m not that different from other kings. It’s just that the werewolves are much easier to handle than humans.

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