Overlimit Skill Holder (Web Novel JP)

Chapter Second Coming Of Goddess And Child Of Hope (1/79) 28.1

Battle with the Goddess

When I approached the Pope, I had a feeling that “this might happen”.

Because it was like this last time too.

There were no signs. The world around us changed in the blink of an eye.

We were in a complete white space.

Dante-san and Mimino-san stared dumbfoundedly, while Asha goes full on-guard.

Although it was bright, there was no shadow. We couldn’t even tell where we were standing.

『———I never thought you would come to me first, reincarnator.』

The goddess’ voice echoed.

However, what was a little different from the past is that I can somehow understand the direction from which the voice was emitted.

When we turned in that direction, the “white” in that direction felt brighter than the rest.

A silhouette… of a person can be seen faintly.

That existence could not be read by【World Ruler】.

『———You saved me the trouble of searching for you. You are unnecessary in the future of the world.』

「No one has the right to decide whether Reiji is necessary or not.」

Holding his greatshield, Dante-san stood in front of me.



The moment the goddess uttered so, Dante-san dropped his shield and kneeled.

Just before his head touched the ground, he planted his arms on the ground and raised his body.


「I’m f-fine, Reiji… This much is nothing.」

Dante-san puts strength into his arms and forcibly rises up.


The goddess was silent. Perhaps Dante-san’s defiance was unexpected.

「I only bow my head to someone I truly admire and respect. At the very least, not to someone who is afraid to show their face…」

His legs were trembling, but even so Dante-san was still standing.

「Show yourself, goddess. No, self-proclaimed god. We came here to settle things once and for all.」

I pulled out the dagger I received from Mimino-san.

Mimino-san and Asha approached behind me.

『———Did the dragon do something? No… it doesn’t matter. That can be deduced later.』

The goddess said, and seemed to gesture with an arm.

Immediately after, five figures appeared between us and the goddess.


Pale, human figures, but not physical bodies.

Those figures were something like the soul, or the very existence of that person.

『Why am I here…』

『Ara, isn’t this the goddess’ space…』

『Hmph… even the filthy dwarf is here?』

The plump dwarf crown prince.

Her Excellency Minminshan, the gorilla beastwoman.

The old gnome elder who was hostile toward the dwarf.

And the other two were,

『…Asha, you were here?』

「Yuri onee-sama …!?」

『You finally reached this place… That kick sure worked, Reiji.』

「Duke Grenjido!」

High Elf Yuri.

Duke Grenjido.

In other words, 5 of the former pledgers.

Five who are specialized in battle.

『———Teach a lesson to those 4 over there.』

The five former pledgers instantly straightened their back in response to the goddess’ words.

The color of the eyes of those 5 pale existences turned gold. The expression on their faces could no longer be read.

A huge spear manifested in Duke Grenjido’s hand, while a long cane appeared in Yuri’s hand.

「—They’re coming!! Dante-san!」


Perhaps the goddess’ pressure was released, as Dante-san readied his greatshield and held his stance.



The spear and the greatshield collided.

『——The spirits of wind and water, become a thundercloud and drop a lightning bolt.』

「I won’t let you !!」

As soon as a dark cloud formed, Asha fired a fireball with both hands.

The mass of flame hit the cloud and exploded, causing a violent gust to blow.

「Everyone, be careful!」

When Mimino-san scattered her magic potion to the surroundings, the wind around us weakened.

『Don’t forget me!』


Her Excellency Minminshen rushed from the right with her knuckle guards, while the dwarf prince rushed in from the left with a huge battle ax.

「Dante-san, I’ll take the one on the left.」

「——No! You need to go, Reiji!」

I didn’t even have to ask what he meant.

Dante-san said go.

To the goddess, obviously.

I shot a side glance towards Dante-san.

(He isn’t looking at me anymore.)

Because he wants me to believe in him and head for the goddess.

And to defeat the goddess.

「I’m going!!」

With the combination of【Sprinting】,【Body Enhancement】,【Leg Strength Enhancement】,【Instantaneous Power Burst】, and【Support Magic】that I have practiced over ten thousand times, my body shot forward like a bullet without any sound. I slipped through the pledgers and landed a punch on the sides of Duke Grenjido and the dwarf prince.



Duke Grenjido’s posture was broken and the dwarf prince tumbled to the side.

In front of me was the gnome elder who was chanting magic.


I stepped on his face and launched myself further beyond him.

Behind me, I could hear more magic and the sound of weapons colliding, but I kept looking ahead.

The form of the goddess was right there.

『———A human cannot reach me.』

The goddess did not try to run away, did not jolt, did not do anything.

The goddess was simply there.

「You never know if you don’t try!!」

I used【Wind Magic】as a tailwind to increase my speed to the limit, and leapt with the updraft.

I swung my dagger toward the goddess’ body.


It was like hitting a mass of iron with an iron rod. Feeling as if I can never break it.

Due to the repulsion of mana from the reaction with Mithril, an ultra high-pitched sound reverberated.


I turned around and deployed『Fire Magic』on each finger of my right hand and『Wind Magic』on my left hand fingers.

Mana was rapidly flowing out of my body.

「Flame Tornado!」

A tornado of blaze enveloped the goddess’s body, but the flame reached only a few centimeters away from the goddess. And even after the tornado passed, the goddess simply stood there.

『———You know it is useless.』

I didn’t think the goddess’ defenses were this impenetrable…….


『———Your loss was decided the moment you stepped into this space.』

「…The Pope is important to you.」


「So I thought that if I reached out to the Pope, you would show yourself to protect Her Holiness. Of course, I also took into consideration that you might pull us into this space.」

『———So what? Your loss is already decided.』

「I wonder about that. If I had taken that much into consideration, surely I wouldn’t have come here without any plan.」

I concentrated on the dagger. The mithril contained within the dagger absorbed mana and shone.

More, more.

Shine even more.

Shine as bright as the goddess.

「———I am not the one who will deal with you.」

The goddess said.

「Good grief……」

What appeared between me and the goddess was a petite old man.

「To think that I would have to fight directly.」

The Vision Ogre muttered and began stretching his arms.

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