Martial Research Master

Chapter 263

“You are accepted as a true disciple of the academy only when you finally step into the Qi King realm. Once you completely accept the Law blessing, the institute makes it mandatory for every practitioner to take on a mission of their own. It is to help the practitioner to temper his martial cultivation in the outside world.”

“Isn’t this too direct of tempering for me? I have just broken through the realm, and would like to accommodate myself before going on a mission.” He needed to plan about the trip he was going to take before the other break-throughs.

“You could spend the next month getting yourself beaten to near-death by me. I would immediately postpone your mission after that.” The fourth brother looked at Li Meng with a mocking tone. “The missions have been pre-decided upon by the master. He wants you to take on multiple missions over a period of time and improve your strength while completing them.”

“Can I meet my master before leaving for the mission?” Li Meng had multiple theories left to discuss with the old man and also wanted to get his hands on the next part of Body cultivation, the Channel Tempering art. According to the scriptures provided by the old man, Channel Tempering was said to be quite a long procedure and required a huge investment of resources and time. It was even said that no one could complete the process while being in the Qi Emperor realm.

The old man didn’t try to deny this idea and simply told Li Meng to meet him once he breaks-through the Qi King realm. He could start the path. Fortunately for Li Meng, time was one of the best resources he possessed due to the Crimson Lord artefact. He had confidence that he could complete the process while being in the Emperor realm.

“Master has left to enter martial seclusion for his next break-through. He asked me to relay the order to you. He also suggested that I be the supervisor for these missions, and I obliged out of reluctance. I just hope you don’t make me regret that decision. You have an incense stick of time to ask any doubts you have regarding the information already relayed to you.”

“We will then leave for a short walk around the academy to familiarize you with the environment and the inner workings of this institution.”

“Why do I need to take on multiple tasks so early?”


“The academy holds a strict analysis scheme for all its disciple and grade them according to their contributions. You need to complete more and more tasks not only to earn points which are a currency within the academy but also require them to rate yourself into the StarBoard.”

Li Meng was about to ask something when the guy interrupted him. “The Starboard is a special artefact placed within the common area of the academy showcasing the rankings of various disciples within the academy. There are multiple steles which indicate various prospects where the students are graded. Martial cultivation, strength, soul power, alchemy, are the various gradations which the disciples are categorized into.

“Having a ranking on the Starboard not only ensures your earning ability within the academy but also makes you eligible to access multiple facilities within the academy. Be in the cultivation grounds, refining ponds, or even Tempering fields, all of those could only be accessed when you prove yourself worthy.”

“Higher-ranking assures better placement of resources to you every month and also allows you to take part within the yearly competitions. The Early competition of strength for QI King level practitioners is going to be held in 6 months from now. The Masters needs you to rank first within that competition.”

“Are there any benefits of achieving the top rank within this year’s competition?”

“This year’s competition is marked with the opening of the Thunder Canyon. It is a sacred cultivation ground created by the Academy for Emperor level practitioners. It is also said to be the best place to break-through into the Emperor realm. The winner of this year’s competition would be allowed to have a place within the Thunder Canyon.”

“I could achieve Emperor realm by searching for opportunities myself. There is no need to rush my cultivation like this.” Li Meng already suspected there to be some impurities and defects laying hidden within his cultivation base due to his speed. Although he wanted to achieve greater Strength as soon as possible, it should be perfect in every sense.

“Master plans for you to take part in a Heaven-defying event sometime in the future and that requires you to win this year’s competition and access the Thunder Canyon. He personally asked me to relay the importance of this matter. The task you have been assigned is hugely related to this matter.”

“You will be taking on three tasks which range from Middle-grade QI King level to peak grade Qi King. You have 6 months to complete all of them, and the order you follow is not specified. If you possess the strength and confidence to go for the most difficult task, surely do so. All the master desire is for you to safely return after three months.”

Three wooden plates were handed to Li Meng, each of different colors. “The green one signifies the Qi King middle-grade mission. It is related to a complaint lodged by a group of village chieftains about a rogue group of bandits, lying somewhere near the Taiwan mountains.”

“Due to multiple attacks, many lives have been lost and the economic status has been in turmoil. This request is for the elimination of various bandit groups within the area. Their hideouts lie deep within the mountain regions.

“The location is quite dangerous due to the presence of many high-grade active veins, which give rise to even Emperor grade beasts and above. These guardians are fiercely territorial. Since the bandits are familiar with the topography, their hideouts are not easily found. You also need to be careful about any dangerous encounter.”

“Their leader is said to be a cultivator of middle-grade Qi King. He is a fire and water Elementalist, and some even suspect that he might have connected with a Heavenly Law. There are also many other middle grades Qi Kings, which are connected to earthen laws. You need to remember that topography is on their side in the case.”

“All the details are enclosed within the plate, along with the designated maps, contacts and the nearby subsidiary power of the Academy. You are not allowed to ask for help unless the task is way out of proportion of what was mentioned in the slate. The results are to be registered in the nearby subsidiary, who will then grant you a completion token.”

The young man started walking and Li Meng followed him. “Before spelling out the other two tasks, I just need you to know that being your supervisor doesn’t make me obliged to help you. The cruelty of this world is that the weak are not allowed to live. You could easily die while on the mission. My only concern is to monitor proper conduct on your behalf while attempting these.”

“The next mission is set within the Eternal Rainforest, which is situated within the western regions of central plains. The Eternal rainforest is said to be a treasured land, which was cursed due to a horrible phenomenon in the past. It is still a natural resource hub and a paradise for practitioners who desire to practice wood and water elemental arts.”

“The task is related to the hunt of Seven-coloured viper, a Peak Qi King grade beast. You are to hunt it down and bring the carcass along with the inner core. The essence of blood is not a mandatory requirement. The task is only allowed to be attempted once your strength reaches advance Qi King level.”

“Use of traps is allowed, as long as the required materials are obtained at the end. The method is left for you to decide. I am not going to supervise that task. ”

“The very last task is the most dangerous one, yet something that the master wishes for you to obtain. It is personally designed by the master and you will be made aware of it once you complete the first mission.”

Another ring was handed to Li Meng. “This contains all the resources which would be allocated to you for the next few months, along with some manuals by the master and a set of artefacts specifically assigned to you. It also contains a protection talisman which masters reinforced with his own power for your protection.”

“It will be exhausted after three uses and hence apply the talisman wisely. You also possess an identity card and uniform for the core disciples of the academy. The time duration for the task is limited and you will be penalized if you fail to complete them by getting imprisoned in the valley of thorns.”


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