Martial Research Master

Chapter 59

Lin Zhong lifted himself up and ate a pill. Instantly his Qi started to recover. The viewers of the fight started berating him, but to their surprise, Long Tao didn’t even interfere with the healing process. What was even more astounding was Long Tao didn’t even bother to look, as if he was ignoring the act of Lin Zhong. This further added to his embarrassment. His opponent actually allowed him to recover. It just showed how he was looked down upon. Lin Zhong didn’t rush this time. His previous acts had already resulted in injuries and embarrassment. But he really liked Su Menqi. He couldn’t back down now. His reputation as the Wing Commander was at stake now. Although he wanted to have Su Menqi, he didn’t even try to harm any members of the Blackbuck squad. It was his underlings that caused this. He didn’t interfere with this. But looking at them now, they have paid a precious price because of it. Most of their cultivation were destroyed and they would need a long time to recover. Long Tao had caused a huge problem for the whole military, but no one could do anything about it because they were the ones who attacked first. From what Long Tao had shown him, the only ones who could scare him are those who are at Qi General Realm or above. Qi master is beneath him. He wanted to strike a deal with Long Tao and was about to put forward his proposition when he was confronted by the figure of Long Tao moving towards him. The aura of Long Tao was no longer peaceful or collected as it always was. He was extruding a dominance at the moment. “Shall we continue our little experiment. Long Tao started attacking Lin Zhong merciless and soon enough Lin Zhong was not able to resist. He was about to say wait, but a kick from Long Tao broke his jaw and swell his mouth up. Lin Zhong was lying there unconscious. Long Tao approached the body and started carrying it inside the dwelling.

“I suggest brother Long wait.” A voice sounded from behind. Long Tao turned around and saw a guy walking towards him clad in regal robes. This man extruded a powerful aura, a peak level Qi master who was stronger than Lin Zhong. Long Tao didn’t bother to reply and continued walking towards the house. This shocked the man. He didn’t expect Long Tao to ignore him, but he also couldn’t do anything. He had seen the fight. Long Tao was playing with Lin Zhong. If he had been serious from the start, Lin Zhong would have been taken out from the first strike. It wouldn’t be necessary to continue the fight for such a long time. It was just as Long Tao had stated, he was experimenting on Lin Zhong. “are you going to deny the request of your superior just like this vice-leader Long.”. Long Tao turned around, threw out a sigh and said” Man you people have it too easy in here. You don’t even know about your real place and dare even ask me the silliest question of today even after viewing the fight from the beginning. This is a north-eastern military zone, not your home turf insect. I will behead you and no one would be able to save you. Fuck off”. The guy was shocked to hear the reply. He was starting to lose his control but something reminded him that what he was told just now was true. This was the north-eastern military. Capability and strength decided who the king was in here. Although he came to promote peace between the two parties, this man seems to be a difficult character.

“I am here on behalf of someone to plead peace between you and Wing-commander Lin Zhong.”. Long Tao turned around again and said:” State your rank and name”. “Lin Hao, Squadron leader.”. “So, you must be the dog of this guy’s father. Good. Tell him to initial his son was going to pay me 600 middle-grade spirit stone sand I was thinking of settling. Now he will pay me 6000, for wasting my time among other reasons and I want the compensation today itself. I don’t want to hear the reason. Just tell him not to bother coming here, because then I will surely behead this guy. Next, I will start breaking limb by limb of this guy’s body every 1 incense stick. Starting now.” Long Tao broke the arm he was carrying Lin Zhong by. A loud howl of pain and misery was heard.

Long Tao then entered his dwelling and sat in the middle of the entrance hall. Lin Hao was left standing astounded by what just occurred here. The guy didn’t even fear his uncle’s influence. That is some serious guts right there. Also, 6000 medium grade spirituals tones, were like his life savings but that brats want s to be paid today. Also, he dared to break Lin Zhong’s hand even after knowing the background he was messing with. This means this kid is quite confident in himself. Now he realized why his uncle told him to manage the situation carefully. It looks like someone of the same level as uncle is involved. He needed to get back and report it to his uncle and decided what to do next. He left soon enough.

Long Tao currently ordered all the members to appear before him and show him their progress in the given period of time. The members came into view and due to the pressure on them, they actually had managed to break through two levels of cultivation. Su Menqi was Qi master level 3 now. Mengdi was now a Qi Master. The rest of the members were all peak Qi child realm already. Now, this was a good enough start for his plan. The members saw a body lying at Long Tao’s feet. When they recognized who it was, each one of them was shocked speechless. Wing Commander Lin Zhong was currently lying badly injured at Vice-leader’s feet. Every one of them wanted to know about the current situation, but who would have the guts to actually ask Long Tao to explain. With the ruthless nature of their captain, it wouldn’t be a surprise if he decides to kill them all. They stood there in silence.” I see that you have managed to achieve the aim. Good. Within the next two days, the compensation of the lieutenants will be arriving and each one of you will have an equal share in that. You are to continue training and be ready for my orders. We will be leaving the zone, for carrying out a series of missions that I will choose for us.”. The squad was dismissed form the mission hall, except for Su Menqi and a stubborn Mengdi who insisted on staying behind. “Do you have any questions captain?’. Su Menqi picked her guts up and said with a serious tone” I would like the vice-leader to brief me about the situation that is in front of me.”. Long Tao looked at Su Menqi for some time. A smile broke out. This lady actually managed to pick up guts and ask for a briefing from me. “reporting to the captain, the Wing commander, and the lieutenants dared to attack my formation and are currently injured due to my self-defense approaches. They are going to lie here until the compensation arrives. As I said you are to divide them equally within the group and prepare yourself to not be a burden and push over for this squad. “You may leave now. I will give you a call when the resources arrive.??

Su Menqi left with a sad expression. She knew that all the hardship that the Black-buck squad was going through was because of her. The Wing-commander had taken a liking to her and wanted to bed her. But she didn’t want to give her chastity away and hence resisted the advances. It resulted in Lin Zhong’s ego getting hurt and his group started pressurizing the Black-buck squad. She had always been the black cloud that restricted the advancement of the whole squad. But she couldn’t do anything. But just then Long Tao arrived. And within just a matter of a month, all the members of the squad had managed to rise up by two levels. Something she could never have achieved. Long Tao ‘s word hurt her feelings deeply. She knew that she was useless in this aspect, but hearing it from Long Tao’s mouth, made her even more disappointed in herself. As she went and sat down for cultivation again, she determined to increase her cultivation by leaps and bounds so that she would be able to support the squad.


Lon G Tao was still sitting in the entrance hall, and as he said, he was breaking limbs of Lin Zhong every incense stick. A painful howl escaped and reverberated throughout the nearby streets. Long Tao was actually doing what he said. Lin Zhong was currently suffering a miserable fate. Lin Hao arrived nearly 4 incense sticks later directly in front of Long Tao’s entrance.” You can enter the Squadron leader. “Lin Hao appeared in front of Long Tao. The view that welcomed him was a miserable Lin Zhong lying, injured with four of his limbs broken. Lin Hao was really disturbed upon seeing the current condition of his cousin, but he couldn’t retaliate or take revenge for him. He directly passed Long Tao a ring. ” It contains all the resources that would compensate for the damage caused by Lin Zhong. The compensation of the lieutenants will be arriving tomorrow. Hope that brother Lin would be able to allow me to take Lin Zhong away.”. Long Tao nodded and threw Lin Zhong’s body with a kick. He spouted blood upon experiencing this. “Make sure to let him know that there are some people whom he shouldn’t mingle with.”. Lin Hao kept his emotion sin check and said to Long Tao ” Vice-general Lin Bao has asked brother Long to visit his manor for having tea. I hope brother Long Tao would not reject his offer.”. Long Tao turned around and said with a cruel smile” I don’t work under him and am currently busy because my squad will be leaving tomorrow to complete multiple tasks. As per the invitation, I might be able to visit after I come back from the trip. Hope Vice-general won’t mind a soldier doing his duty for the camp. Also, send my regards to him for providing me with these great cultivation resources. I will keep them safe and use them to advance my cultivation level by a good range.”. Lin Hao almost spouted out blood in a rage after hearing this.

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