Tales Of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 847 - Why I'm Not Out Yet?!!

Just as he fought desperately against them, the desire to get out overwhelmed him. He brutally cut through all the monsters without hesitation for long days.

This fight was epic, however in the end he landed the deadly blow over the head of the last monster, claiming his hard earned victory.

"Damn it! I couldn\'t even feel my body anymore," as he won this, he couldn\'t help but let all the pain he got from the endless bruises he got be released.

His body shook and he couldn\'t help but fall. He was exhausted, extremely exhausted.

However he had a never ceasing to exist smile over his face. It was his victory at the end, and in no time he would be released from this world.

However as he remained there motionless for days, he started to feel weird.

"Why am I still here?"

He turned to see his light becoming blue and only surrounded a small area around him. His body healed already of most wounds he got however he didn\'t celebrate this.

His mind was only focused on one thing, one disturbing thing that he was still here.

"Did I... miss something?" he couldn\'t help but think about this. If his thoughts were right then he should be ejected out of here the moment he won the last fight.

"Is there... one more fight then?" he rose high up in the air and started to roam the world once more. His energy kept widening around while he finally reached the wall.

The wall was looking like a dead object in the distance, but it was still there. "Should I crush it to be able to escape?" he couldn\'t help but think about this.

"There is one way to figure this out," he clenched both swords tightly before heading directly towards that wall.

Just as his energy hit the wall, the entire world shook.

"Impeccably lowly being... Who do you think you are?"

Just as his energy slammed into the wall, a majestic voice appeared shouting in rage. Arthur wasn\'t thrown in the air like the first time he tried this, but his face darkened as he realized his bitter guess was right.

"Show yourself to me," Arthur didn\'t show any sign of weakness while calmly asking that.

However he got no answer but thunder and rumbling all over the world.

It seemed like the entire world was revolting against him, but that didn\'t faze him.

"I said..." he took a step forward, pressing more on the wall, "show your damn self to me!"

"Do you seek death?"

The entire world thundered and roared again, yet nothing else happened. Arthur could feel strong resistance against his energy, but he was able to stand his place without any problem at all.

"If you don\'t want to come and see me," he slowly said while gritting over each single word he said, "then I\'ll come and see you."

He took another step and it felt like he was pushing a giant rock over the side of a mountain, climbing it from down upward. He didn\'t stop at this step as he took another, and then another.

"Stop this impudence at once or I\'ll kill you!"

The sound roared again yet Arthur didn\'t heed his words. He kept moving forward while feeling he was so close to his final enemy.

As he kept advancing, the energy he pushed kept twisting against an invisible shield of energy around the wall.

"Nonsense! I\'m the world! I\'m god! I\'m the sole being here to decide what happens and what exists!"

The sound thundered again while the sky started to flash with the bright light of thick tongues of red flames. It looked like the world was about to explode in his face, even the ground started to violently tremble like it was doomsday.

Even the air felt hot, so hot that Arthur felt pain just from its touch.

However he kept pushing forward.

"The hardest of all is the mind\'s tribulation," he said to himself while pushing forward, "the mind can mimic anything and turn illusions into real things. Scary, really scary tribulations are those using mind tricks to test us."

He was repeating what he told his sect disciple back in his days as a cultivator. Yet this time he was saying this advice to himself, hoping he would have the courage to keep going and never stop.

He knew if he stopped for even one second he would be done for. This was the cruelest thing about mind tribulation.

Just the intention to surrender would count! The feeling of hopelessness and helplessness would turn all his efforts so far into nothing, he would fail the tribulation if he succumbed to such feelings.

And thus he kept himself moving forward, pushing against the wall while his energy started to squeeze and distort like it was clashing with a mighty equal force of it.

And he kept moving forward with steady steps in this hell like world.

At some point, a vague shadow appeared in the distance. It wasn\'t clear what it was, but simply from seeing that Arthur realized one thing.

That enemy wasn\'t big or giant like others, wasn\'t a monster or anything like it.

It was like a human, a mere small human being standing on the opposite side of him on top of the wall.

But Arthur didn\'t lower his guard by realizing that. He knew this shadow was the cruelest thing he ever met here in this trial.

This enemy was the scariest of all. After all he was using mind tricks to test him, the hardest of all ordeals.

And so Arthur kept reminding himself of what he kept telling his disciples ages ago. With mere will he kept moving forward, pushing and challenging everything to reach that damn wall and that bastard on top of it.

"Oh, you aren\'t afraid of me enough already," the shadow spoke in his roaring tone before he suddenly had a red light to fall on his body.

And Arthur at this moment could see perfectly well the face of that enemy.

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