Tales Of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 409 - Reinforcements

Arthur appeared at the star where they just hijacked. "Tell me who was it?" Amanda said in an aggressive tone before adding, "was it this way with each pillar you gained? You spoke about other masters and that one seemed to recognize you," she added as if she was interrogating him.

"C\'mon, we have thousands yet to clear," yet Arthur totally ignored her, making her feel more mad at him!

"I won\'t move until you tell me everything!" she threatened.

"Do as you wish, I didn\'t force you to come in the first place," and he just shrugged while Mr. E laughed on the side, enjoying this little loveable debate.

"Tsk," she sneered before watching the two disappear into the next star. "Damn boys and their manly arrogance," she shook her head before heading towards the next star following them.

Arthur did the same at the next stars. With the lack of any support coming from the main clan, he was totally at ease compared with the first time he did that.

In addition to that, he had two colossal powers aiding him from the side. He knew if he was alone he might have taken slightly longer.

Yet with each time he had one pillar successfully, Amanda didn\'t stop harassing him about the secrets of the master appearing each time!

She had this innate fear knocking on her soul and telling her that master was dangerous. Yet she couldn\'t believe how casual Arthur was dealing with him!

As if the two were best mates! A master and disciple! Making her quite envious and mad.

"I ain\'t telling you a thing," he finally broke his silence as he added, "you already know too much!"

"Isn\'t she your girl? Won\'t you trust her?" Mr. E acted to add more fuel to the fire raging between the two.

"C\'mon, she doesn\'t even consider me as her man!" Arthur smirked before adding, "she had to accept this as a fact before I can trust her!"

"Never!" she bellowed back while they entered the next star. "You have miles ahead to make me consider you as my man!"

"Tsk, see? It\'s not my fault, it\'s hers!"

"Sorry my future son-in-law," Mr. E shook his head in fake regret, "it\'s my fault to raise her as stubborn as this."

"Master!!" she shouted at him while Mr. E vanished the next moment escaping her storm. "Tsk, you two are bullying me!" she complained before hurrying after her master.

"It\'s you two who are bullying the poor me," Arthur helplessly shook his head before arranging his one thousand warriors in the place and made them start emptying all the boxes on the shelves.

"Wow, these are all siege weapons," his eyes shone when he noticed the content of these boxes. "I love this clan, hehehe," he hurried after the two while his men kept working over the boxes. "Make sure these will be gathered in a special place," he ordered before vanishing as this was the first time to obtain such weapons for a long time.

The fight in this world and the thousand more went smoothly without any surprises. It wasn\'t until the star numbering two thousand when a change appeared.

"Wow, this place… it\'s really crowded!" Mr. E glanced around to see the endless numbers of monsters appearing here, "and they have flying monsters as well, strange," he added.

Arthur just joined the two to be surprised by this. "It seems they asked the help of other clans," he muttered as the flying monsters seemed a mixture between five different types of monsters.

"That means…" Amanda went silent for a moment before adding, "the main clan war!"

"That\'s a possibility," Mr. E nodded, before adding, "let the boys have some fun before we show up."

"You are finally leaving?" Arthur asked before hurriedly adding when the two gave him a serious glance, "I\'m just worried over the other masters, that\'s all."

"Don\'t worry," Mr. E laughed, "even after we leave here, we\'ll come back to help you later."

"Sure," Amanda nodded while laughing, "after all we know the link leading to the map from that clan base."

Arthur planned to seal that entrance the moment they passed through it, yet he didn\'t tell them anything. He just turned to a dragon and started raining the world with his arrows.

"Wow, such nice bow and arrows you have," Mr. E laughed, "I have a master who is a genius in bows, do you want me to introduce her to you?"

"Master!" Amanda shouted, "he is already overwhelmed with masters!" she added, yet Arthur sensed there was something deeper than this.

"What? Afraid of her perhaps?" Mr. E laughed while he patted on the thick scales of Arthur, "don\'t worry, Willy, I got your back on this."

"Roar!" Arthur laughed and his laughs appeared as long roars.

"Tsk, you two…" Amanda was much furious than the time when her master kept repeating this son-in-law and that son-in-law. "I\'ll head first," she muttered before she summoned her own army of pets and moved to the front.

"Don\'t mind her, she is just jealous," Mr. E winked to him before laughing, "and you\'ll greatly thank me when I introduce you to that master, hehehe."

Arthur didn\'t know why but his mind had instantly many dirty thoughts. He shook off these thoughts and hurried to rain the world with his arrows.

The amount of monsters here was really insane, and it took the three hours to clear a path for Arthur to reach the pillar. Yet the moment he hit the pillar with his arrows, the situation changed and many of these monsters were instantly killed by the pillar\'s energy.

"What a might attack you triggered lad," the gigantic eyes appeared once more before the owner laughed, "Alfonso taught you well it seems," he laughed before adding, "I have a message from him by the way."

"Really? Many thanks master for the trouble."

"Hehehe, don\'t say that. If you just saw his face when I told him, hehehe, that alone worth the praise!"

Arthur smiled silently waiting for the master to explain. "He says he just forgot and will send you the package tomorrow at most," the master said before adding, "yet from what I know about him, it seems you pressed over a sore spot, hehehe."

Arthur didn\'t know if he should laugh or cry, yet he was glad he had finally found a way to corner that sneaky bronzed giant master. "Thanks a lot master for the trouble."

"Don\'t mention it," the master laughed, "if he didn\'t honor the agreement, just inform me and I\'ll gladly pursue him until he pays you, hehehe."

Arthur laughed as this played perfectly for his benefit. "Thanks again master."

"Go and don\'t waste more time here, I reckon I had ten thousand pillars stolen from me in this world alone! Bring them back and I\'ll provide a gift for you."

Arthur was speechless at the large number of pillars this master was talking about. "I have only found five thousand of them, can master help and direct me to the rest?" he asked with no much hope regarding this.

"Y\'know the rules, can\'t interfere too much," the master said before laughing, "but as I can\'t interfere too much, then I can at least give you a guidance," he paused before saying, "you have your own map? That\'s amazing! I will leave marks leading to the next five thousand pillars of mine. They are gathered at one location right now, so you\'ll easily find them."

"At one dark clan?" Arthur asked.


"Thanks master, I\'ll get this one now," Arthur said before he went to grab the pillar like usual. The master didn\'t vanish this time, and even after the world was integrated with his garden, the master kept there working on his promise.

"Alfonso had such a gem and he dared to throw it away, tsk, that Alfonso is really stupid," the master muttered before laughing, "this kid is going to fall under my banner, fighting for me, not anyone other, hehehe."

He then vanished after fulfilling his part while Arthur didn\'t know about his real intentions behind helping him.

Arthur was now standing inside the star map of the Amazor clan, leading the two master among the deadly fog towards the central star. "It\'s here," he pointed to the star flickering in green and red light constantly.

"Can you at least fake you are sad about our departure?" Mr. E sighed as he was annoyed by the wide smile over Arthur\'s face. "We\'ll be back later, y\'know!"

"Sure, sure, I\'m waiting for your return," Arthur lied.

"Tsk, a playboy and a liar, tsk," Amanda shook her head before adding, "let\'s go, we have another war to fight."

she jumped over the star after giving Arthur a long glance. "Take care of yourself," she muttered before vanishing from his sight.

"See? She cares about you," Mr. E winked before jumping over the star while adding, "if a woman cared about you, that means she loves you."

"Tsk," Arthur shook his head before adding, "Can you seal this damned portal now?"

\'Ding! sure, give me five minutes.\'

"I\'ll give you an hour even!"

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