Tales Of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 394 - The World Path Is The Hardest Path

"This kid…" the moment Arthur started linking his garden to the monster\'s energy, Mr. E sensed it.

"What\'s wrong?" Amanda was extremely worried about him. "Is he alright?"

"I can\'t say the opposite of this," he smiled before laughing, "this kid is killing the monster. Calm down, he is fine and he will come out of this stronger," he said before giving her a deep meaningful glance.

"Don\'t ask again, master. You are the one who taught me to honor my disciples\' secrets!"

"But this one is special!"

"Whatever, I can\'t tell you a thing without his permission," she kept her mouth shut regarding what caused all this ruckus.

"At least tell me such a thing won\'t happen again!" he said.

"The situation is grave, and this kid will face greater dangers all the time!" she said without exposing any details.

"That\'s… quite disturbing," he gave Arthur a deeper glance, "this kid is shrouded in mystery even to me!"

"Don\'t doubt him, I trust his ability to become stronger and a great asset to our academy," she tried to make her master not to consider Arthur a threat.

"I need a good reason to trust him," he said before deciding, "next time you go outside, I will accompany you."

"Master!!" she was speechless there for a moment. "He is my disciple!"

"And he is also mine," Mr. E laughed on the funny expression his dearest disciple showed on her face. "You know, I\'m considered the dean right now, making every disciple technically mine."

"That\'s… lame!"

"Hahaha, call it the privilege of my position," he was in a good mood before adding, "this way you won\'t have to expose anything, plus…" his face changed as he said in a deeper tone, "I can interfere at the right moment to save both of you."


She didn\'t say a word, as she couldn\'t reply to his logic.

As for Arthur he stayed in his place for hours. The energy stored inside that monster was endless, and despite the presence of two beings eating away the energy like there was breathing air it seemed he needed more hours to finish!

\'Ding! Keep concentrating, we still have a long time for it to be over.\'

"Tsk, this monster… is it higher than the Gollam?"

\'Ding! Much higher.\'

"Any idea of its origin?"

\'Ding! Why ask about something you already know the answer to?\'

"Sigh, I just wanted to gain more information here."

\'Ding! I\'m not the one to give you such info. Please focus.\'

Arthur kept his silence and the two masters outside didn\'t move. Mr. E checked his status from time to time, while he spent most of the time caring about Amanda.

He gave her healing herbs, strong potions, and even gave her rare meat and wine. She was now shrouded with many healing formations to aid in accelerating her recovery.

"At least tell me your enemy is dead!" he didn\'t give up asking, and she didn\'t leak any single viable info to him. In fact she started to enjoy this conversation, where her mind recalled many old and forgotten memories of her being a disciple here under his care.

Despite the passing of all these years, he never left her side and kept supporting her all the time. He faced many complaints and even once was accused of a love affair with her; yet he was dead settled on guarding and supporting her.

And she never betrayed his trust till date.

"He…" her face showed how difficult this question was, "he is still alive, yet not in a better shape than me."

"That\'s disturbing," he deeply considered her answer before adding, "if you can\'t even kill him and end up in such a state… this man is dangerous."

He paused before asking, "is he stronger than I?"

"I doubt that!"

"Good, then next time let\'s make sure he is dead for good then."

"That\'s if he had any support to his side like me," she laughed a pure laugh before adding, "I\'m pretty sure he was there all alone."

"There… where?"

"Tsk, stop asking. I won\'t answer no matter what you do!" she complained like a little kid.

He glanced at her before shaking his head. "Stubborn and childish like ever!" he sighed before going to check over Arthur. "Wow, this kid is almost done from killing that monster," he exclaimed in joy and anticipation.

If his disciple didn\'t tell him anything useful, then he would pressure the main culprit and knew everything from his mouth.

But he was doomed to be disappointed!

\'Ding! Congratulations! You have successfully killed the monster and completed the quest. Your soul cleansing path is finally opened to you,\' the system excitedly said before adding, \'Ding! Marvel your new cultivation path.\'

In front of Arthur\'s opened eyes, the small piece of land he was standing upon started to expand. More areas were added, and the initial ten meters turned into a mile radius!

"What should I do with this?" he asked after carefully glancing and observing this land. He even stood up and took a stroll over it.

\'Ding! This is the source of your cultivation power. The vast it becomes, the stronger you will be.\'

"A world building cultivation path?" he wondered as that was what he sensed and understood from the system\'s words and after examining his new land. "This is one of the hardest cultivation paths I ever saw in my life!"

\'Ding! True, as this world doesn\'t support spiritual energy, you need to depend upon here to develop that.\'

"What about my meridians? My dantian?"

\'Ding! You will need to start everything from scratch,\' the system replied, before adding, \'Ding! You don\'t need to tell you this, but you need to build a dantian and meridians suited to your cultivation path.\'

"Tsk, this is challenging," he muttered while he knew the words of his system were absolutely correct.

\'Ding! Are you perhaps afraid?\' The system asked and the tone of it made Arthur reply right away with great spirit!

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